Brenda Makes the Tea

It is Brenda who makes the tea. Everyone that comes to St John's Honeypot is always offered a cup of tea or coffee when they first arrive. It's just part of the way we greet you and make you welcome. There's a hot beverage after dinner if you want one and in the afternoon with a slice of cake just to make things comfortable.

Everyone likes their tea or coffee to be made slightly differently and it's part of Brenda's job to know who wants what. Whether it's strong tea in a tall cup, wishy washy tea in a short cup or black coffee in a mug with a flower on it, Brenda knows.

It's important to us that everyone feels welcomed and enjoys their time with St John's Honeypot. So the personal care that Brenda gives is really very important. Brenda of course is a volunteer, who gives her time willingly on a monday. We are so grateful for the time that Brenda gives us and the care she extends to all our members.

There are many ways to volunteer and help at St John's Honeypot to make a difference to people that are socially isolated and need a little TLC on Mondays. Contact us if you think you would like to help.

We think that Brenda is excellent, she makes a difference by making the tea.

Brenda makes the tea

This is Brenda who makes everyone tea and coffee