The Afternoon Raffle

It's a sort of tradition. Every one looks forward to it taking place. As the clock creeps round to three thirty, the tension builds when the raffle trolly is wheeled out.

Each week members bring in a small item which is then raffled and the proceeds go towards our general funds. The things that go on the raffle trolly are usually sweet things like biscuits or cakes. But there are often more practical things like tea, coffee, soup or toiletries.

Of course every item donated for the raffle is checked to ensure that it is still in date if it's a food item and safe to use if it's not. In these days of Corona Virus we also clean each item with approved sterilising fluid too.

Members and helpers pay a pound for their raffle tickets and the trolly is wheeled out ready to go. The trolly we use was actually a donation from a previous club member. He thought it would make life easier to use a trolly to take prizes to members rather than having members - many of whom have issues with walking - struggle to fetch them. Good ideas are often simple.

Tickets are mixed in an old biscuit tin, another part of the tradition, and the first picked at random. Just as with any raffle winning tickets are called out and the winner picks the next ticket after choosing their prise. As ever there are winners, losers and some who always seem to win lots.

There are many ways St John's Honeypot makes a difference to people that are socially isolated and in need a little fun on Mondays. This is one way that members can actually help themselves, preserving a little independance and having great fun as they do it. Win or lose, every one loves the raffle.

This is our raffle trolly filled with goodies