Volunteering With Us.

Everything that is done at St John's Honeypot is done by volunteers. Our only paid staff member is our hard working Organiser. We are very grateful to the volunteers who give their time to us on a Monday and we are always looking out for more helpers. Being a volunteer is a rewarding experience that pays back the time given with joy and the satisfaction of doing real good for people who would otherwise be socially isolated.

What does a Honeypot helper do?

The answer is simple, what ever is needed. Don't worry, many hands make light work. Each week lots of small tasks are required to create the Honeypot experience. From laying out tables, making tea, slicing cake to washing up and folding raffle tickets. All of which is done in a happy friendly team.

Do Volunteers Need Special Training?

No. No special qualifications are required, anyone can do this. Any training required we will provide. Most of what volunteers do requires no more than common sense. Currently all helpers have food basic hygiene training. Most courses are short online training courses and we can even help with that. Really your only qualification is willingness.

Do I Have to Stay All Day?

No, many volunteers find that it suits them to help only in the morning or only in the afternoon. Some help every other week or even once a month. We are grateful for any time a volunteer gives. You will find though that the fun atmosphere is infectious and you may stay longer than you intended, many do.

How do I Become a Volunteer?

Joining our team is easy. Simply call the Organiser and she will arrange to meet you. You will need to complete a short form and that's it.

Call 01225 751218 and ask for Kerry Lewis.

Brian enjoys helping with St John's Honeypot